TV Shows

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 60

Okay, I understand if you delay it, you’re going to get the most amount. Yeah. But when we look at the plan, and we run the numbers, if they were to delay taking Social Security, and they would still want to retire, they would spend down so much of their

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 59

And so, our job is to first understand what the purpose of that money is, right? We always like to say purpose determines the placement of the money. But we always also address to people that there’s only four things that money can really do for you. Number one, it

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 58

To see a full schedule of our TV airtimes, please click here. Video Transcript Cynthia de Fazio – 00:20 And welcome to On The money with secure money. My name is Cynthia De Fazio and I’m joined today by Brian Quaranta. He is president and founder of secure money advisors,

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 57

So, you know, between the husband Social Security and the wife Social Security, they were going to be at about $60,000 a year. Okay. And then, but they needed about $80,000 a year to live off of. So that means they needed $20,000 a year in additional income.

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 56

Now when you go to pull it out, it’s going to count as income. So, let’s suppose that you need $1,000 A month in income. Let’s suppose that right now you’re in a 20% tax bracket. So, when you pull that $1,000 out, you are not going to get $1,000,

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 55

So those are the things that you do see what a good plan should be able to address any level of inflation, yes, six and a half 7% inflation wherever the numbers at right now. It is a large jump. But with a good plan, you should be able to

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 54

And nobody has taken the time to show them how to use the money as a tool. The money is a tool to actually accomplish something in your life called freedom. That’s what it’s designed to do. It’s designed to give you freedom. It’s designed to give you your time

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 53

But most people don’t do tax planning. This is a very overlooked area of financial planning, we’ve got a major problem because most people are putting money into tax deferred accounts like IRAs 401 K’s 403 B’s, they’re getting tax deductions, but all the growth on the money. And all

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On the Money With Secure Money

On the Money with Secure Money: Episode 52

And, you know, I want you understand that there is a difference between a planning firm, and let’s just say a stock firm, you know, most people they’ll transact, you know, business with an advisor. But they’re really just buying financial products and financial products are important. But understanding what

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