Episode 192 – Will You Outlive Your Retirement?

This week on On The Money with Secure Money, Brian Quaranta explains how to save money when people are living longer than ever.

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Radio Show Transcript

Announcer 00:00

Three investment advisory services are offered through foundation investment advisors, LLC. an SEC registered investment advisor Brian Carranza and his guests provide general information not individually targeted, personalized advice, they’re not liable for the usage of information discussed. Exposure to ideas and financial vehicles should not be considered investment advice or recommendation to buy or sell any of these financial vehicles. This information should also not be considered tax or legal advice. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results, investments will fluctuate and when were deemed to be worth more or less than when originally invested. Any comments regarding safe and secure investments and guaranteed income streams refer only to fixed insurance products, they did not refer in any way to securities or investment advisory products, fixed insurance and annuity product guarantees are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing company. And now, On The Money.


Announcer 00:44

any good retirement plan starts with the foundation, asset protection, tax reduction listed planning, these are the things that start to move you towards having a retirement plan. Retirement doesn’t have to be complicated. You think that’s the difficult part. That’s just getting started. And now On The Money with Secure Money.


Steve 01:09

Welcome, everybody. This is On The Money with Secure Money. And Brian Quaranta. Brian of course the president and CEO of Secure Money Advisors. He is an IRA specialist. Among other things, he’s also an author wrote the book called right track your retirement a simple planning strategy to help you reduce risk, build income and provide peace of mind sounds like a good retirement idea to me, right track your retirement.com not only can you find it, you can get one right, Brian?


Brian Quaranta 01:35

That’s right, you can absolutely get one and you’re going to want to get one because the you know, the World Economic Forum estimates average 65 year old will outlive their retirement savings within nine years. Oh, man, that’s depressing. I mean, we’re living longer than we ever have. Taxes are on the rise. Long Term Care is reality for a lot of people, the market just continues to get increasingly more volatile. And I think that’s here to stay. And yet, people aren’t running out of money, because they’re not earning the right returns, they’re actually running out of money because they’re losing money at the wrong time. That is what this show is all about and why protection of some of your money is so important. And matter of fact, I write about this in a chapter in the book called Think like a pensioner, not a gambler, where I talk about a very simple two bucket approach. I call it a two-bucket approach. But it’s been around for probably 50 years. It’s a concept called split funding, where we allocate different monies for different time periods to actually provide the cash flow that an individual needs, and also help mitigate the risk of short term volatility. So but it is, and I think people are getting more and more wise to understand that, you know, as you do get close to retirement, you just don’t have the time and recovery. My favorite line that Wall Street has, has created or coined is, don’t worry about it hang in there, you’re in it for long haul. It’s just a paper loss. How does that impact the retiree because the retirees today 85% of retirees today need to generate income in retirement from their investments. And you know, quite frankly, if you’re at a period in your life, where you’re getting ready to retire, or you are retired, how are you going to hang in there for the long haul, if you’re taking money out of your accounts to live off of. And this is why the Economic Forum is showing that a lot of people are running out of money. Again, the average 65 year olds do this is mine, the average 65 year old will outlive their retirement savings within nine years. That’s insane.


Steve 03:42

So how do we know I suppose that how do we fix that? How do we how do we prevent that?


Brian Quaranta 03:45

Yeah, well, first off, I would tell you get with a good fiduciary firm, a firm that truly by law needs to do what’s in your best interests, a fiduciary is typically held to a higher standard, they’re required to have a higher level of education. To understand how to go about solving these problems, we first have to break retirement down into a much more simple to understand strategy. And that starts by understanding that there are five key areas that you have to focus on number one, and most importantly, is going to be your income strategy. Number two, is going to be your tax strategy. Number three is going to be your investment strategy four is your long term care or your health insurance strategy. And five is your place state planning strategy. So once you understand that those are the five areas that are going to make up a great retirement, now you can start to do the planning. We always put income as number one because that is the primary need of the majority of people retiring today. So what kind of questions do you ask folks, when you sit down with them? Well, you have to ask them things like what’s the primary purpose of this money? Why have you saved it? What are your goals going to be in retirement? You know, how much of this money can you afford to lose? Do you plan on do you want To pass money along to your children, how much money do you want to pass on to your children? What sources of income do you have right now? Do you have a pension? You have rental income? Do you have dividend incomes? If you answer no to all of those, the next question is, are you going to be able to live off of just your Social Security? While most people are going to say no? Okay, well, how much more above and beyond social security are you going to need? That’s different for everybody? The question is that additional amount that you need above and beyond social security? How much is that going to be? And when you start taking that money out on a monthly basis? How is that going to impact your account balances, especially if you have market volatility, and you’re taking money out when the markets going down? As we know, if you take money out when the markets going down, you’re compounding those losses, and the probability of running out even happens sooner?


Steve 05:49

Right. And again, it’s so we talk about risk tolerance and how that changes over the years. Sometimes I think, what when folks think that they haven’t started or haven’t saved enough that they will put more risk on the table than they should even though they’re a bit older? Yeah,


Brian Quaranta 06:04

well, I don’t have a problem with risk I what I have a problem with is people not understanding how to allocate the portfolio. See, when we think about allocating the portfolio, what we think about is if I have $500,000, I need to diversify that portfolio within itself. But in fact, real allocation comes from defining the purpose of money. So for example, I like to think about money’s in the form of three buckets, right? So you have bank money, you have pension money, and you have risk money. So think of those as individual buckets. So I think how much money to have a bank, you know, a lot of people might have six months worth of expenses in the bank. Sure. Okay. Well, what type of how much money do you have in something that can create a pension? Well, a lot of people say I don’t have any investments that actually create a pension type income. Well, if your number one priority is income, and you don’t have any type of investment, that’s going to produce income, you don’t have a dividend paying stock, you don’t have an annuity, you don’t have rental real estate, or a you know, I mean, if you have nothing that’s producing income, ask yourself, how are you going to get the income because again, the only other bucket that’s left here is what I call the risk bucket. This is stock market money, that stock market money in order for you to take money out, everything needs to be going right. But this is why I wrote the book, Steve, right track your retirement in the book, I talk about all this, I help really break down what is a complex, sometimes confusing topic, into very, very easy to understand strategy and process. And remember, if you’re going to retirement, you have to have a strategy, you got to have a process. And that’s exactly what we do here at secure money advisors. So for the next 10 callers who call in, I do want to give the opportunity to come in, sit down with the team schedule a time and go through our right track retirement review where we can help you get a lot of this organized and give you some peace of mind clarity that you deserve. My promise to you is this, nobody from my team will ever try to sell you anything, nobody will try to pressure you to do anything, we’re here to truly help you solve problems. As a fiduciary firm, we are here to help you solve problems. And that is the number one thing you have to look for. When you’re working with an advisory firm, you’re not looking to go buy a financial product, you’re not looking to be sold a financial product, you’re looking to talk about the concerns that you have, and find out where is going to be the best solution. financial products were designed for one reason and one reason only. And that is to solve for certain problems in retirement, every financial product is is is got a different benefit. It’s got a different weakness, and you got to understand that and that’s how you start to align it work with a firm that’s independent, not beholden to any company. That’s exactly why secure money advisors has been independent. We work for you. We sit at the same side of the table with you and we work with all the big strong safe companies out there.


Steve 08:43

That sounds great, Brian, give us a call 800-656-8616 You’ll get the comprehensive financial review 800-656-8616 Again, 800-656-8616


Brian Quaranta 08:54

Retirement Planning comes in all shapes and sizes coming up we’re going to talk about why the customer approach is so critical we come right back with on the money with secure money.


Announcer 09:11

And now On The Money with Secure Money.


Steve 09:18

We’re back on the money with secure money and Brian Quaranta. I’m consumer advocate Steve’s at all of course, Brian, the president CEO Secure Money Advisors, check out the website to securemoneyadvisors.com, securemoneyadvisors.com is their website where you learn a lot about them and what they do. Plus, you get some great information as well. Don’t forget the book right track your retirement. And that’s right track your retirement.com check out that website and get yourself a copy of the book. So, all right, no two plants are the same. Like no two people are the same. That’s something that we’ve talked about, you know, many times. So, we saw how do you how do you deal with that? I mean How was it that everything? I mean, I understand where I think it would be very easy to fall into a pattern of Will this work for this? And I’ll make it work for this, then I’ll make it work for this. And that becomes the cookie cutter. Right?


Brian Quaranta 10:12

Yeah, yeah. Well, what’s what


Steve 10:15

separates you? What do you do as opposed to doing that?


Brian Quaranta 10:18

Yeah, well, you got to take a deep dive with people, you know, to understand the best way to clarify, would be to incorporate the way you know, funds are allocated, as I was mentioning, on the first segment, I like to consider it, you know, allocate amongst different buckets, because what we have to understand is that I’m okay with somebody taking risk, I got nothing against the stock market. What I’m really concerned about for people is they’re taking risk with 100% of their life savings. So imagine a plan that takes the pressure off of the money that’s at risk. So if you look at any chart of the stock market, we know that the stock market permanently goes up over time, it temporarily goes down. Okay, well, that doesn’t really mean a whole lot to someone that’s in their 30s or 40s, right? Because who cares that it goes down. They’re working, they’re earning a paycheck, and, you know, anything that they’re earning their dollar cost averaging into the market. I had a lady come in the other day. She got, she comes in, she says, I need $13,000 A year on additional income. Okay. Okay, well, when are you going to need it? I think I’m going to need it five years from now. Okay. Well, tell me a little bit about what you’ve done to this point to save for retirement. And she says, Well, I have a 401 K plan. It’s down quite a bit right now. I’ve got about $141,000. And so I said, Okay, so you got $141,000 in your retirement account, you’re gonna need $13,000 A year. All right? Well, if you just look at the math on that, I mean, you know, $141,000, and if she needs $13,000 a year, that’s like a 9%, withdrawal rate, right? 10% of 141,000 would be 14,000. So 9%, roughly about 13,000. So there’s a rule out there called the 4% rule. And the 4% rule was put into place and they say, Look, you if you’re going to retire and try to take money out of your stock accounts, don’t take any more than 4%. Otherwise, you could potentially run out of money. She’s gonna need 9% Oh, so how do you how do you solve this problem? What do you do really, really big problem. So you know, when you look at the, when you look at the market, and you look, and you shop the market, and you find out, okay, what product, what financial products have been created to help this woman actually get the income that she’s going to need, okay. So my options are, I could take that money, I could buy gold, I could buy silver, I can buy some type of hard metal. But the problem is, is that I have, you know, I mean, if I’m a hard metal, I can’t liquidate that now to to give her $13,000 annually, on a monthly basis, you know, so she wants a little bit of money and a little over $1,000 a month. If I use individual stocks, I’m at the mercy of the volatility of those stocks. So who’s to say that one month I don’t take money out and the markets down, and I actually compound the loss by by taking the money out. So you can just go right down the board, just go right, right, right down and look at every financial product, and you go, Okay, which one’s gonna solve it the best? So, here’s what we came up with. I said, Look, you really have two choices. I said, I can use this, this income annuity, which is a financial contract between you and the insurance company. By the way, I want to stress, a financial contract is the best form of, of something that you can purchase. If you’re going to sign on the dotted line, the best thing for you to do is to sign a contract. Now, usually, when we’re brought up, you know, your parents teach it Oh, don’t sign anything. Don’t sign a contract. Right, right. But think about your mortgage for a minute, your mortgage is a form of a contract. Why is it that nobody hesitates on signing a contract with a mortgage company? Well, because the mortgage company is saying, Okay, well, we’re gonna lend do this $300,000 Or this $500,000 wherever you need it. For the sake of buying a house, you need 500,000 hours. We’re gonna lend it to you for 30 years, and we’re gonna charge you 3% interest, okay, well, I want to sign a contract saying that you’re going to guarantee that rate for me, right? Because I don’t want five years to go by and me find out that I have, my interest rate has now gone up to 6% or 7%. That would be a bad thing. But when I sign that contract, they guarantee me that 3% For the next 30 years, they cannot by law, come to me in any year after that and asked me to pay more than the 3% Okay, that’s what a contract is about. No different So when you sign a contract for a home or anything, or you sign a contract for a car, whatever it is, it is it’s a legal binding contract, any attorney will tell you that. So we buy a contract with an insurance company for what we call an income annuity, this annuity. If she puts $241,000, in this account, in five years, when she needs the money, it will generate over $13,000 A year guarantee for her life. If she dies, guaranteed for her husband’s life, if he dies, any balance in the account is paid to her family members. Now, think about this. If you have a calculator on your right now, take 13,000 and divide it by 4%, you’re going to come up with roughly about $325,000. So here’s a question you have to ask yourself, you have two ways you can generate income in retirement, you could go the 4% rule, which she went the 4% rule again, 13,000 divided by 4% equals 325,000. She goes with a 4% rule, she’s gonna need $325,000 In order to get the income she needs. Or I can sign a contract with a big, strong, safe insurance company. And in five years, they’ll guarantee us over $13,000 a year for the rest of her life. So ask yourself this, where’s the probability of success hire for her. So go to right track your retirement.com get a copy of my book, I ship it out. It’s absolutely free. There’s no catch to it whatsoever. And you can read about how we do it. While you’re there. Also, you can schedule an appointment for a right track retirement meeting. In that meeting, we’ll go through the five key areas with you will go through your income, your taxes, your investments, your healthcare strategy, or estate planning strategy. I always say this, if you’re not on the right track, when would you want to know when would you want to know that you’re not doing the right things? Where if there was a better way to approach something? Wouldn’t you want to know that, that’s all that the second opinion is about. You’re not coming in to buy anything. And as a matter of fact, my promise to you is this, nobody from my team will ever try to sell you anything. Nobody’s going to press you to do anything. We don’t need to do that here at secure money advisors. We’re in the business of helping you solve a problem. So take advantage of it. Come on in, sit down with the team and I and go through your plan and see if there’s a better way to approach it.


Steve 17:09

That sounds great. Brian 800-656-8616. That’s the goal help you make the best decisions for you. 800-656-8616 800-656-8660.


Brian Quaranta 17:21

When it comes to retirement planning, it’s essential you understand the investments your plan encompasses and how they work together to build lifetime income retirement, we dive into particulars. When we return with on the money with secure money, we’ll come right back.


Announcer 17:41

You’ve worked all your life you’ve saved you followed all the rules. Now it’s time to retire. Here’s the question, Who do you want relaxing and taking it easy, your nest egg or you will of course you want to relax and travel and enjoy an nest egg. You’ve got more work to do for a retirement that maximizes your portfolio your Social Security avoids unnecessary risk protects you from pitfalls and frankly, lets you retire and keeps the mistake working. You need a retirement partner, you need someone looking out for your best interests and building a plan for you based on your situation. Call Brian Quaranta at 800-656-8616 or text Brian Q to 800-656-8616. That’s 800-656-8616 or text Brian Q two 865 68616. And now on the money with secure money.


Brian Quaranta 18:48

And welcome back to on the money with secure money. I’m your host, Brian Quaranta. And today we are talking about how health is actually wealth. And I’ve got Dr. Burnett and Dr. Scott in the studio today. And we’re going to talk a little bit about diet again. And I am going to put you guys on the spot before the show ends. You’re not going to want to miss this last few minutes of this segment. But before I put you guys on the spot, let’s talk about diet and why it’s so important.


Dr. Emily Scott 19:16

Right diet is one of the four key pillars that we’ve been talking about. And it’s one of the most important pillars I think we could say each pillar is important but this one I feel very passionately about. If we don’t optimize our diet, and we continue to eat poorly over time, we are going to gain weight leads to obesity, it can lead to type two diabetes, heart disease, stroke, poor sleep, mood disorders, anxiety and depression. We may not have the most mental clarity or productivity which leads to decreased productivity in the workplace. Right. There’s so many downstream effects from poor diet.


Brian Quaranta 19:53

Yeah, and by the way, if you don’t have clarity and you’ve got mental fog, you don’t care about your finances either.


Dr. Burnett 20:00

Right You know, my kids will say, Daddy, you can survive on Oreos and Mountain Dew. Like that’s true. You could also you could also run your lawnmower on like a half diesel and half regular that I did last year. It got really, really smoky but it ran. How you are how you look how you feel how you think is directly reflective. What you what you put it putting the ball? Yeah, truly, absolutely things. This is why Yeah. Am I saying just the choices throughout life really start to add up? Yeah. And this becomes that how efficient your cells will take in fuel and then make energy. This is the wine country, this is your cellular efficiency. These choices will definitely add up. Is it


Brian Quaranta 20:42

hard to get people off of bad diets that have been on bad diets for a while? Yeah, it is? Yeah. Yes.


Dr. Burnett 20:49

The food system like the fast food and they put in their preservatives, you know, this is a business for them to then make their foods lasts as long as possible on the shelf. Right. So hard habit to break.


Brian Quaranta 20:59

I read a book called I believe was called metabolic hull. And the doctor was looking at the impact of, of sugar on the on the on the liver. And, and he was put in charge of these young kids that were all very, very obese. And he couldn’t understand why they couldn’t get him to lose weight. But one of the things that they all had in common with it with it was they had this fatty liver. And he’s trying to figure out why this is happening. And the only place you see this is with an alcoholic. But yet you see the same type of liver in somebody that it’s a lot of sugar on a day to day basis. I found that to be absolutely fascinating. And it’s obviously slowing down the metabolism, but it’s also affecting the brain and everything else.


Dr. Emily Scott 21:38

Sugar is so inflammatory. Yeah, it really is. I mean, it’s hidden in so many foods like Dr. Burnett had mentioned. The food industry hides things in to the food to make them addictive to people. And sugar is highly addictive. Our brain craves sugar, our brains run on two fuel sources, sugar or glucose and ketones, which you may have heard of Kido right. So our sugar our brains run on sugar. It’s highly addictive.


Brian Quaranta 22:03

Yeah, so what else is important about diet?


Dr. Burnett 22:06

I say probably knowing what foods to avoid yeah is is equally as important as knowing what foods to make sure you’re getting that yeah, and there’s certain tests you can do like food inflammation tests that we do a lot of those so that kind of test your delayed since it was just certain foods we know certain foods cause inflammation everybody those are alcohol and sugar. And mostly board has some sensitivity to dairy and bread. But you can test a little finger stick test to see what foods you might not know my wife had sensitivity the home and mine was eggs. I used the eggs three days a week. I really highly sensitive eggs. I don’t get any eggs anymore. I feel better.


Brian Quaranta 22:43

That’s kind of what I need. But you never noticed that. I took the test or you probably knew but you didn’t know until the test was saying I


Dr. Burnett 22:49

didn’t know it was the eggs right? I just I gave up eggs for 1212 weeks. I just like didn’t really feel a difference. And I started eating eggs again when I went to spring break in my contract that is actually wow, I felt like before


Brian Quaranta 22:59

food sensitivity tests that you guys do. We’ll lay that out for people.


Dr. Burnett 23:03

Exactly. Yeah, it’s a delayed sensitive so you get it back in so seven to 10 business days and it’s gonna and you can test a simple 22 Food panel or like 176 Yes, like everything preservatives, you can test everything.


Brian Quaranta 23:13

Okay, so now I’m putting you guys on the spot. So I’m going to start with you Dr. Brown. So what is your day of eating? Like? What foods do you try to keep?


Dr. Burnett 23:21

We’ve talked about fasting I fast pretty religiously on Monday like a time restricted fasting. So I stopped eating at eight o’clock at night and don’t eat again until noon the next day, okay. I start not always but usually I will start with a probiotic and prebiotic, like an athletic green. You know, you’ve come up with athletic greens and the greens,


Brian Quaranta 23:40

I ag one


Dr. Burnett 23:44

Greens, minerals, vitamins that has the probiotic prebiotic in there. Sometimes kombucha or some type of fermented food that has a prebiotics and got it I think it’s important that so I will do that and then I’m not super picky I don’t really subscribe to any specific type of diets. I just don’t eat a lot of bread I don’t eat a lot of dairy. Chipotle is my go to Yeah, I try to eat as much whole foods not to store Whole Foods. Oh, that’s great. Great store. Whole foods as much as possible. Yeah. As much preservative free or unprocessed food as much as possible.


Brian Quaranta 24:32

What is your go to Chipotle because I love Chipotle.


Dr. Burnett 24:36

New spicy I think it was called Monster chicken double chicken with vegetables when they have them because they run out


Brian Quaranta 24:46

and you can you can eat rice because rice doesn’t have gluten.


Dr. Burnett 24:51

But some people have sensitivities. But I think overall it’s your rice.


Brian Quaranta 24:57

Yeah. So do you have to when you’re fasting like that right and you’re starting to eat at 12 and stopping at eight? Do you really even have the calorie count if you’re eating the right foods?


Dr. Burnett 25:06

No, that’s essentially what you’re doing is decreasing your calories. By essence, you can’t mix, you could Yeah, it was just one way you can get as many calories in eight hours as you get in.


Brian Quaranta 25:16

So I can’t thank you guys enough for joining me today on the money with secure money. And next week, you’re going to be here again. And I’m excited because we have so much more to talk. And next week, when we come back, we are going to be talking about the cost of care by and how expensive it can be when you’re not taking care of your health. But I want you to go to region pet.com region pet.com Get this longevity roadmap that Dr. Burnett and Dr. Scott are offering it gives you the top 10 tips to increase your health span. And again, I want you to read number six when you get it because it’s something I did. And I found it absolutely fascinating. It really helped me and it made me feel a lot better. So again regempitt.com. And don’t forget to get your retirement on track by going to right track your retirement.com. Again, that’s right track retirement.com where you can get a copy of my book, and I teach you all the basics of how to build a retirement plan and all the key areas that you need to handle like your income, your taxes, your investments, your healthcare strategy, and most importantly your estate planning strategy. So again, thank you again for joining us this week with on the money with secure money. We’ll see you again next week.


Announcer 26:26

Investment Advisory services offered through foundations investment advisors, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor the content provided is intended for informational and educational purposes only the views statement and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual speakers and not necessarily those foundations and its affiliates. The information contained herein does not constitute an offer to sell any securities or representing express or implied opinion or endorsement of any specific opportunity offering or issuer. Any discussion or performance or returns is not indicative of future results. Each individual investor situation is different and any ideas provided may not be appropriate for your particular circumstances. Foundations only transacts business in states where it is properly registered or excluded or exempted from registration requirements. Registration as an investment advisor is not an endorsement of the firm by securities regulators and does not mean the adviser has achieved a specific level of skill or ability. No legal or tax advice is provided. Always consult with a tax professional, all rights reserved.

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